What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Caregiver depression linked to more ED visits by dementia patients-7283

Caregiver depression linked to more ED visits by dementia patients

It's well known that depression puts community-based caregivers at risk for emotional, mental, and physical health problems, underscoring the need for organizations to provide respite and support.



Hearing loss tied to mental, physical, social ills in older people-7279

Hearing loss tied to mental, physical, social ills in older people

Most people in the industry are aware that hearing loss can hinder communication and affect emotional and social wellness.


Health conditions

Subjective well-being linked to longer life without disability, illness-7276

Subjective well-being linked to longer life without disability, illness

Studies have shown that subjective well-being - e.g., enjoying life, not feeling depressed - is associated with a longer life.


Emotional wellness

"Traffic light" food labels help employees make healthier choices

Here's a wellness program that can make a difference for employees who buy their meals at work Researchers found that labeling food choices in a hospital cafeteria with simple "traffic-light" symbols indicating their relative health value was associated with a reduction in calories purchased by employees, and that the dietary changes were sustained over two years.


Employee wellness

Stats: 76% of adults 75+ take dietary supplements-7269

Stats: 76% of adults 75+ take dietary supplements

We all want to improve our cognitive health; however, this desire can prompt costly, unhelpful and sometimes harmful, decision making.


Attitudes & perceptions

Tech Talk: Smart speakers can detect cardiac arrest, call 911-7252

Tech Talk: Smart speakers can detect cardiac arrest, call 911

Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) have developed a contactless tool to monitor people for cardiac arrest while they're asleep.



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