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Topic- Exercise


Follow the trail for fun and fitness by Renee Harlow-649

Follow the trail for fun and fitness by Renee Harlow

The Country Meadows Retirement Communities Fitness Walking Trail is a directed walking path that leads participants through a variety of stations. Each station features an exercise or activity that targets:
· balance
· reaction time
· visual cues/following direction
· range of motion
· fine and gross motor skills
· strength and endurance



Sensational activities that improve balance by Sue Scott, MS-646

Sensational activities that improve balance by Sue Scott, MS

For most of us, balance happens naturally, while we’re busy doing other things. But achieving and maintaining balance is never truly simple. To facilitate even a simple goal, like walking across a room, many systems must work smoothly together. Our balance system continually anticipates, interprets, learns from, monitors, coordinates and responds to ever-changing feedback from multiple sources, including our bodies, the environment and our will. With all of this dynamic interconnectedness, it is no wonder balance issues are complicated.



Strength conditioning for walkers by Wayne Westcott, PhD-640

Strength conditioning for walkers by Wayne Westcott, PhD

The latest research on physical activity among Americans published in January by the National Cancer Institute, National Institute for Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is almost beyond belief (Troiano et. al., 2008). Assessments of nearly 5,000 people by means of activity accelerometers revealed that only 3.5% of men and women between the ages of 20 and 60 obtain 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week. For those over age 60, the percentage of minimally active adults fell to 2.4%.



Flexibility exercises for walking by Julie Milner-637

Flexibility exercises for walking by Julie Milner

There’s no better way to begin and end a walk than with a few stretches.

As you lead exercises before the walk, you can review the day’s agenda, check that everyone is prepared with proper footwear and water, and answer questions. During the walk, you can stop for a stretch break.



Group exercise blueprints for older adults by Michelle Streif, MA, CPT*D-627

Group exercise blueprints for older adults by Michelle Streif, MA, CPT*D

As our older adult population explodes, we are answering the demand for smarter classes designed to benefit this increasingly active population. As instructors, we need to do our best to meet industry guidelines for environmental and safety issues, and learn the teaching skills necessary to successfully lead older adults.



Periodize training for the masters athlete by Joseph F. Signorile, PhD-620

Periodize training for the masters athlete by Joseph F. Signorile, PhD

Periodization is now a mainstay of athletic training. It is a method of cycling different training variables (volume, intensity, frequency and type of exercise) in a specific pattern designed to maximize performance and minimize fatigue. Put simply, periodization is a planning calendar to optimize the training responses.



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