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Topic- Nutrition


Eating fruit may lower risk of cardiovascular disease-5084

Eating fruit may lower risk of cardiovascular disease

Most studies on the relationship between cardiovascular disease, diet and physical activity have been conducted with populations in western countries, according to background to a study presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress.



Better diet is best way to lower risk of diabetes-4939

Better diet is best way to lower risk of diabetes

The diets of an unreported number of people with type 2 diabetes were evaluated according to the Alternate Healthy Eating Index 2010.



For women, drinking milk may slow the progress of osteoarthritis-4757

For women, drinking milk may slow the progress of osteoarthritis

The knee is a common site of osteoarthritis, the wearing away of cartilage that protects the joints, resulting in pain and disability. A group of researchers realized the drinking milk helped maintain bone health, but they wondered if milk consumption would affect the progression of osteoarthritis.



Eat those vegetables and fruit to lower risk of stroke-4734

Eat those vegetables and fruit to lower risk of stroke

Risk factors for stroke include older age and heredity. Lifestyle choices are also risk factors, such as smoking cigarettes, poor diet and physical inactivity (American Stroke Association). To better understand the results of a new study looking at the relationship between stroke risk and eating fruits and vegetables, it’s helpful to translate grams to food servings. This is approximate. One medium apple or orange, two small apricots, one cup of sweet corn or one cup of cooked green or orange vegetables are approximately equivalent to 150 grams (Gofor2&5 Australia).



Go for seven servings a day of vegetables and fruit-4709

Go for seven servings a day of vegetables and fruit

In an effort to encourage people to eat more vegetables and fruit, the slogan “Five a Day” is used to set a goal for daily consumption. The Five-a-Day slogan has been adopted in the United States (Fruits and Veggies More Matters) and the United Kingdom (National Health Service), among other countries. New research suggests that eating two additional servings might lower risk of mortality.



Skipping that diet drink may lower risk of heart disease-4659

Skipping that diet drink may lower risk of heart disease

For the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study, 59,614 postmenopausal women, average age 62.8 years, reported on their consumption of diet sodas and diet fruit drinks (equivalent to a 12-ounce beverage).



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