What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Dehydration tests unreliable for very old-7047

Dehydration tests unreliable for very old

Standard tests used to identify dehydration are not working for older people living in care homes (which include the equivalent of assisted living and/or nursing homes in the US and Canada), according to researchers from the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.


Physical wellness

Behavioral therapy bests drugs for urinary incontinence-7043

Behavioral therapy bests drugs for urinary incontinence

Behavioral therapy, alone or in combination with other interventions, is generally more effective than drug therapies alone for women with either stress or urgency urinary incontinence (UI), according to a meta-analysis of recent studies.



Receiving more

Receiving more "thanks" at work boosts physical, mental health

A study involving Oregon nurses shows that being thanked more often at work predicted better sleep, fewer headaches and healthier eating, because it improved nurses' work satisfaction.


Vocational wellness

Older adults feel younger when they feel in control-7034

Older adults feel younger when they feel in control

Believing that your daily efforts can result in the outcomes you desire is associated with feeling younger, according to a study that included 116 adults ages 60 to 90.


Attitudes & perceptions

Stats: One in three older adults lacks regular companionship-7030

Stats: One in three older adults lacks regular companionship

One in four older adults say they feel isolated from other people at least some of the time, and one in three say they lack regular companionship, according to the latest Healthy Aging poll.



Tech Talk: New hearing aid embeds fall detection and alerts-7023

Tech Talk: New hearing aid embeds fall detection and alerts

Starkey Hearing Technologies unveiled a fall detection and alert capability for its LivioAI "Healthable"TM hearing aid at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, and rolled it out internationally on February 25.



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