What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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Topic- Management


Fourteen reasons to report wellness outcomes by Patricia Ryan, MS-4961

Fourteen reasons to report wellness outcomes by Patricia Ryan, MS

"It's not possible to measure wellness! How do you plan to do that?" That was the response of the CEO of a senior living community when the wellness director proposed to expand the wellness program around the dimensions of wellness, then support the value of the new program by tracking and benchmarking results. It's a good question.



Interactive Health Partner: a health management tool to support active aging-4788

Interactive Health Partner: a health management tool to support active aging

Launched in 2007, Interactive Health Partner (IHP) was developed by PCE Health and Fitness in Salt Lake City, Utah, "in response to the important shift taking place in healthy-aging programming," says James Lowe, IHP’s communications manager. The mission of PCE is "to deliver tomorrow’s health and fitness solutions today" - and with IHP, the company created a timely online solution to address this shift.




Why "we" versus "they" is a bigger issue than you think by Karen Woodard Chavez

When I work with clients and engage in conversation with their staff, I will listen for how many times employees use the word they when referring to their organization. Who is “they”? Typically, it is the management or ownership of the business. Often times, “they” is used in a negative sense—whether staff members are aware of it or not. You do not want to have the “they” issue in your company.



Seven steps to building a wellness team and programs for both residents and staff by Marilynn Larkin, MA-4460

Seven steps to building a wellness team and programs for both residents and staff by Marilynn Larkin, MA

In 2004, the volunteer board of directors of Westminster Communities of Florida had an epiphany. “They realized that communities such as ours could no longer operate out of what some people call a ‘Medicare mindset,’ which basically says, ‘Come live with us and we’ll take care of you,’” explains Wellness Coordinator Lisa Bloder, RN, CCM, CWP. “Instead, we would provide an environment that says, ‘Come live with us and we’ll help you fulfill your dreams.’” This article offers a blueprint for building a wellness team that focuses simultaneously on older adults and staff, based on the experience and efforts of Westminster Communities.



How to successfully onboard a fitness professional by Bethany Garrity, MS, HFS-4347

How to successfully onboard a fitness professional by Bethany Garrity, MS, HFS

If you haven’t been thinking about how to enhance the fitness opportunities for your clientele, you may be behind the times. Equipping senior living communities and neighborhood community centers with state-of-the art wellness centers and other related amenities is today’s reality. Finding qualified and passionate fitness professionals to work with your members or residents can be very rewarding, but it can also be a challenge.



Building a wellness team: what skills to look for and how to promote engagement by Marilynn Larkin, MA-4346

Building a wellness team: what skills to look for and how to promote engagement by Marilynn Larkin, MA

“Engagement in life is emerging as a critical indicator of healthy aging,” according to the International Council on Active Aging’s Engagement Work Group. The group's vision—implementation of an “engagement approach” to doing business—was set forth in its 2011 opinion statement calling for a “paradigm shift” in the industry. Making the transition from activities to engagement generally requires a dedicated wellness team.



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