What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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The Journal on Active Aging brings articles of value to professionals dedicated to older-adult quality of life. Content sweeps across the active-aging landscape to focus on education and practice. Find articles of interest by searching the article archives in three ways: Enter a keyword in the articles search bar; click on search by topic; or type a keyword or phrase in the general search bar at the top of the page.

Preparing for the 'age wave': a new model builds capacity in San Francisco-1404

Preparing for the 'age wave': a new model builds capacity in San Francisco

As with any long-anticipated event, the “age wave”—that demographic phenomenon set to transform society—often seemed slightly unreal and distant over the years. Perhaps that accounts for the late, and in many cases inadequate, planning and preparation this slow-building seismic shift has engendered. But a new report1 from the Washington, DC-based Brookings Institution reinforces the gathering sense that the wave is, indeed, at the shore.


Business profiles

Expanding the experience of Active Aging Week-1403

Expanding the experience of Active Aging Week

The philosophy behind active aging is that every person can live fully, regardless of age, and be involved in life. For some older adults, that is a new concept. For others, the concept is attractive, but they are not sure how to go about it. That’s where Active Aging Week® comes in.

Active Aging Week is the annual health promotion observance of the International Council on Active Aging® (ICAA), held each year during the last week of September. What is unique about the week is that individuals and organizations decide how many events to offer and what type of activities will be available.


ICAA initiatives

A new era: the BOOMing opportunities of population aging by Colin Milner-1401

A new era: the BOOMing opportunities of population aging by Colin Milner

American evangelist Billy Graham may have said it best: “The best way to meet the challenges of old age is to prepare for them now, before they arrive.”1 With decades of warning, are businesses prepared today to meet the needs of an aging population?


Market opportunities

BOOM: an unconventional community offers a bold vision for living in later life-1399

BOOM: an unconventional community offers a bold vision for living in later life

Palm Springs, located in California’s Coachella Valley, is a city known for its climate, its tolerance, and its architecture. BOOM, a new master-planned community for the Palm Springs area, will benefit from the first two and contribute to the third.


Business profiles

Shaping vibrant affordable communities: insights, observations and trends-1396

Shaping vibrant affordable communities: insights, observations and trends

What makes a great neighborhood? The American Planning Association (APA), a nonprofit that provides leadership in the development of vital communities, highlights examples every year as part of its Great Places in America program. To choose the honorees, APA considers criteria in three categories: neighborhood form and composition, neighborhood character and personality, and neighborhood environment and sustainable practices. In 2008, the 40,000-strong education and membership association named California’s Echo Park, a suburb of Los Angeles, to its list of 10 Great Neighborhoods in America.


Business profiles

ICAA's top 10 articles on communication-1395

ICAA's top 10 articles on communication

To celebrate the International Council on Active Aging’s 10th Anniversary, the Journal on Active Aging® (JAA) is highlighting some articles featured in ICAA publications over the last decade. Through the coming year, each issue of the Journal will include a “top 10” list of articles drawn from the association’s extensive online library. Every list will focus on a specific topic. For this issue, communication is the focus.



Total items: 1253

icaa 100 members