What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

How does mindfulness meditation improve mood?-6793

How does mindfulness meditation improve mood?

A randomized controlled trial of 134 mildly stressed adults (mean age, 60; about half women) found that those who were assigned to a six-week mindfulness-meditation training program experienced significantly reduced negative affect variability-which refers to subjective distress and includes a range of mood states such as worry, anxiety, anger, self-criticism, and life dissatisfaction-compared with participants assigned to a waitlist control (no intervention).


Mindful exercise

Sleep length tied to risk of falls and fractures-6790

Sleep length tied to risk of falls and fractures

An analysis of data from more than 157,000 women between the ages of 50-80 followed for up to 12 years showed that those who slept five hours or less per night (short sleepers) or 10 or more hours per night (long sleepers) had increased odds of recurrent falls (falling two or more times in a single year) compared with those who slept about seven hours nightly.



Multifaceted exercise boosts function in hospitalized older adults-6786

Multifaceted exercise boosts function in hospitalized older adults

Researchers in Spain have found that an innovative multicomponent exercise intervention provided "significant benefits" over usual care among hospitalized patients in their 80s and 90s.


Physical wellness

Fructose-sweetened drinks linked to higher type-2 diabetes risk-6783

Fructose-sweetened drinks linked to higher type-2 diabetes risk

Sweetened drinks pose a greater risk of type 2 diabetes than most other foods containing fructose, a naturally occurring sugar, according to Canadian researchers.



Stats: 39% of caregivers have health challenges themselves-6779

Stats: 39% of caregivers have health challenges themselves

Forty percent of US adults have experience providing care to an older family member or friend and 39% of these informal caregivers have a health condition, physical limitation, or mental health condition that affects their daily life or limits their own activities, according to a recent AP-NORC poll.



Tech Talk: Digital therapeutics defined, explored-6774

Tech Talk: Digital therapeutics defined, explored

Digital therapeutics, a medical intervention category that is growing by leaps and bounds, is part of the expanding digital health landscape that includes mobile health, health information technology, sensors and other wearables, telehealth and personalized health care, according to a highly informative report from the Digital Therapeutics Alliance (DTx).



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