What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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The Journal on Active Aging brings articles of value to professionals dedicated to older-adult quality of life. Content sweeps across the active-aging landscape to focus on education and practice. Find articles of interest by searching the article archives in three ways: Enter a keyword in the articles search bar; click on search by topic; or type a keyword or phrase in the general search bar at the top of the page.

Wii for wellness: How five social trends are transforming senior living environments by Cornelia C. Hodgson, AIA-1382

Wii for wellness: How five social trends are transforming senior living environments by Cornelia C. Hodgson, AIA

Every so often, a trend comes along that transcends the fickle nature of most fads, reaching that pivotal moment when a product is suddenly mainstream and fully integrated into everyday lives. Several trends that have crossed generational lines are becoming deeply ingrained in senior living—from a computer-generated game being used for recreation and rehabilitation, to social networking for making connections and online chat about health.

While technology has greatly affected older adults, other value-oriented trends—such as a recommitment to social responsibility and an effort to slow down and savor healthy food—are redefining senior living, and along with it, creating new architectural design implications. These implications can also be viewed as a trend in how communities are using architecture to help define their unique brand.


Community design

Whole body vibration, part two: what's the most effective protocol? by Joseph Signorile, PhD-1380

Whole body vibration, part two: what's the most effective protocol? by Joseph Signorile, PhD

For any exercise device or intervention to be effective, it must be used correctly. This may seem a simple concept, but its application can be difficult. It may also take years to develop all the questions concerning the most effective protocols. Given the number of whole body vibration (WBV) devices, the available settings on each device, and the number of different exercises and patterns of training that you can use with WBV, the question should not be, What is the best protocol? Rather, we should be asking, What is the best protocol to improve a given parameter—strength, power, balance, etc.—in older adults and on what type of machine?



Exercise and the aging brain by Terry Eckmann, PhD-1375

Exercise and the aging brain by Terry Eckmann, PhD

Aging and brain health is a topic of great interest as the older-adult population continues to grow. In 1900, the average life expectancy was approximately 47 years, while today’s life expectancy is roughly 78. It is estimated that women who now reach age 65 will have an average life expectancy of almost 85 and men who make it to 65 can expect to live to 82. Longer life expectancy brings with it the need to maintain a healthy body and brain as the foundation for leading the fullest, most productive life possible.


Cognitive health

A living environment: NewBridge on the Charles cultivates community-1373

A living environment: NewBridge on the Charles cultivates community

“At the heart of the Hebrew SeniorLife housing philosophy is the fundamental belief that buildings are more than just places to live.” This belief animates NewBridge on the Charles, a continuing care retirement community in Dedham, Massachusetts, developed by the Boston-based nonprofit.


Business profiles

ICAA Champions in action: initiative gains momentum, makes inroads across North America by Marilynn Larkin, MA-1371

ICAA Champions in action: initiative gains momentum, makes inroads across North America by Marilynn Larkin, MA

In the September/October issue of the Journal on Active Aging®, the International Council on Active Aging® (ICAA) provided a step-by-step guide to help organizations and individuals join the ICAA Champions program. An integral part of ICAA’s Changing the Way We Age® Campaign, ICAA Champions serve as role models and educators in the effort to shift society’s perceptions of aging.


ICAA initiatives

Changing hospital culture: Henry Ford Health System's new model emphasizes wellness and prevention by Marilynn Larkin, MA-1368

Changing hospital culture: Henry Ford Health System's new model emphasizes wellness and prevention by Marilynn Larkin, MA

At the one-year anniversary celebration for Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital in Oakland County, Michigan, CEO Gerard van Grinsven, Wellness Director Michael Seidman, MD, and Marketing and Public Relations Director Carey Chesney were exuberant—and with good reason. Their vision for the $360-million hospital—the seventh in the Henry Ford Health System—had become a reality. “The community embraced our efforts to change the definition of the word hospital,” says Chesney. “It’s a loaded word that can generate anxiety and fear. When people hear it, they think of something cold and scary and authoritarian. Our goal,” he explains, “was to explode that concept and get people to think about hospitals in a different way.”


Business profiles

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