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Topic- Physical wellness


Unveiling nutritional requirements of older adults, part two by Sandy Todd Webster-10582

Unveiling nutritional requirements of older adults, part two by Sandy Todd Webster

In the pursuit of active aging, our journey unfolds through the choices we make--a narrative shaped by multiple determinants of health such as natural movement, stress reduction, a sense of belonging--and the foods we consume. This is the second half of a feature offering a primer on nine essential nutrients in which adults 55+ are often deficient. Review the remaining five nutrients and how to put them in an eating plan.


Physical wellness

Unveiling nutritional requirements of older adults, part one by Sandy Todd Webster-10450

Unveiling nutritional requirements of older adults, part one by Sandy Todd Webster

Our eating choices have a significant impact on our quality of life as we age, affecting everything from our physical well-being to our cognitive and mental health. Read on to explore the key nutrients that elude us as we age--and how to reclaim them.


Physical wellness

Chronic inflammation and its impact on health by Kenneth H. Cooper, MD, MPH-9279

Chronic inflammation and its impact on health by Kenneth H. Cooper, MD, MPH

Chronic inflammation links to "a multitude of medical issues," notes this renowned preventive medicine pioneer. Outlining what causes this inflammation, he highlights healthy habits that can help reduce it.


Physical wellness

Strengthen the immune system naturally: More lifestyle strategies to counter chronic inflammation by Shirley Archer, JD, MA-7957

Strengthen the immune system naturally: More lifestyle strategies to counter chronic inflammation by Shirley Archer, JD, MA

If someone suggested that making very simple adjustments to one's daily routine would result in more energy, better sleep and potentially fewer aches and pains, with no adverse side effects and yet a host of beneficial side effects, would that persuade you or the people you work with to adopt them? In part one of my Journal on Active Aging (JAA) article on countering chronic inflammation for healthier aging, I described how lifestyle choices, environmental factors and genetics affect conditions related to inflammation. Since our genetics and many environmental factors--such as exposure to pollutants or environmental contaminants--are beyond our control, what we can influence are our lifestyle choices. The first article provided an overview of inflammation and focused on nutritional strategies to lower inflammation. Growing evidence is shining light on additional lifestyle factors and their relationship with the immune system. This second article offers a sampling of areas in which older adults can make simple lifestyle changes to support a healthy immune system, improve quality of life and enhance healthy aging.


Physical wellness

Practices to optimize skin health by Amy Henderson, RN, BSN-7261

Practices to optimize skin health by Amy Henderson, RN, BSN

The changes in physical appearance are subtle at first: a softer jawline, a fuller neck and a few persistent smile lines around the eyes. A sideways glance in the mirror reveals a silhouette that resembles someone older--perhaps your mother, your father. You realize, however, that indeed it is you. And your appearance has changed with the passage of time. Our clients likely have experienced many such moments over the years. With age, several intrinsic and extrinsic factors--including decreased hormone levels, genetic history, lifestyle choices and environmental surroundings--contribute to changes in the skin's quality. ... In a society that still attaches a stigma to aging and a double standard that affects women in particular, physical changes to the skin can have a significant impact on a person's overall self-image and feelings of self-worth. These physical changes also increase the risk for skin conditions. ... Skin care [and lifestyle] practices...not only promote healthier skin, but also support wellness and graceful aging.


Physical wellness

Dance fitness: Older adults give it a whirl by Mary E. Sanders, PhD, CDE, ACSM-RCEP, FACSM-7132

Dance fitness: Older adults give it a whirl by Mary E. Sanders, PhD, CDE, ACSM-RCEP, FACSM

We don't have to be on "Dancing with the Stars" or an elite athlete to have a great time getting in the groove. From simple to advanced choreography, social dance-type moves are being incorporated more and more into fitness programs for older adults, promoting popular and proven health benefits for mind, heart, body and soul. Dancing styles of all kinds-including waltz, tango, folk dance and salsa-along with physical fitness types of fun movement like Zumba are all providing opportunities for participants to reap the rewards of enjoyable activities that also promote balance, movement quality (like walking or stepping forward and backward) and better sensory and motor perceptions.


Physical wellness

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