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Topic- Program management
Participation is a top goal for employee wellness
"Increasing employees' participation and engagement in health and well-being" is among the top three priorities for employers offering health plans, along with managing pharmacy costs and evaluating the overall health program design and subsidies (employee cost versus employer cost).
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Programs are important for engaging residents in community life
A poll of 221 professionals in senior living found that 46% agreed and 34% strongly agreed that “resident engagement is directly correlated to the programming offered in my community.”
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Does assisted living programming meet resident needs?
In British Columbia (Canada), the Residential Care Regulation, which applies to assisted living residences along with other longterm care environments, states that a licensed home must “designate an employee, qualified by training or experience, to organize and supervise physical, social and recreational activities for persons in care; give the designated employee sufficient time away from other duties to carry out the activities; and ensure that there is sufficient time for persons in care to participate in the activities.” How is the directive to provide recreational activities being implemented?