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Topic- Balance training
Tripping on a treadmill can help reduce falls
Treadmill-based balance training, which mimics real-life balance challenges (e.g., trips and slips) in a safe setting, yields benefits in only one to four training sessions that may last more than a year, researchers in the UK and the Netherlands have found. Organizations may want to explore this option, particularly with constituents who are unlikely to complete the multiple balance, strength and aerobic training sessions normally required to reduce falls.
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Tai ji quan balance training curbs fall risk in adults 70+
Tai ji quan balance training classes were more effective at reducing falls among high-risk older adults than stretching exercises or a training program that incorporated aerobic, strength, balance and flexibility exercises after six months, researchers have found.
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Add a robot to improve balance training
Among the definitions for "robot" is "a device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks" (Merriam-Webster online dictionary).
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Balance training reduces risk of falls among women
At 20 locations in cities throughout France, 706 women ages 75-85 years were randomly assigned to a group exercise program or a control group that maintained their regular activities. The women who exercised engaged in a progressive balance training program along with home exercise.
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Three exercise modes improve balance for people with knee osteoarthritis
A research review included 15 randomized controlled studies of 1,482 people with knee osteoarthritis. Strength training, Tai Chi and aerobics exercise improved balance among the participants, and these also reduced falls risk outcomes.
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Step training via video helps lower fall risk
Concerned about the risk of falls among older people, a research team wanted to find out if a video game would improve stepping ability and be used by people in their homes. In background information, they noted that falling has been associated with impaired stepping when an external perturbation disturbed balance. Examples of impaired stepping are stepping in the wrong direction or hitting the opposite leg during a crossover movement when trying to prevent falling.