What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: 20% of LGBTQ older adults in SF fear senior services
Supervisor support in customer conflicts curbs staff turnover
Back pain recovery expectations linked to actual outcomes
Carry naloxone to help with opioid overdose: FDA
Time, space and attitude impact collaborative workspaces
Tech Talk: Juniper's top 10 tech trends for 2020

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Stats: Juggling team supervision, other duties challenges 68% of managers
Boomer homes to flood US market in 2020s, 2030s
FDA warns companies selling illegal cannabidiol products
How personality traits affect retirement spending
Some brain health supplements contain possibly harmful drug
Tech Talk: Apple watch app can generate "quasi-standard" ECG

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Stats: 30% more preventable heart disease deaths in rural vs. urban areas
Surrogates? belief in miracles linked to care preferences for loved ones
Flexible work options, sick days impact retirement savings
Quality, not quantity, of friendships linked to wellbeing
Vitamin D deficiency tied to poor muscle function in adults 60+
Tech Talk: Safety concerns raised for consumer mobile health apps

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Stats: 40% of 65+ adults, caregivers say depression is normal with age
Workplace ban on sugared drink sales boosts employee health
Peer mentoring curbs loneliness, depression
Assisted living occupancy up, construction down: NIC
Healthy longevity grand challenge launches
Tech Talk: Wearable tech top global fitness trend: ACSM

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Stats: Podcasts deliver 89% brand awareness boost
Branded podcasts are a "powerful addition to the marketing mix," according to a multi-continent study
commissioned by BBC StoryWorks-BBC Global News and carried out by neuroscience researchers at

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Stats: 82% would take a genetic test for Alzheimer's risk
No need to skip red meat for good health, new guidelines say
Yearly memory screening recommended for adults 65+
High-intensity caregiving linked to cardiovascular risk in Canada
Exergaming curbs frailty in individuals with dementia
Tech Talk: Virtual cardiac rehab saves lives

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