What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: More than two-thirds of new cancers seen in adults 60+: how to help
Amenity-rich communities boost social wellness
Strong purpose linked to longer life
Secrets of creating viral YouTube ads revealed
Sleeping with lights, TV on tied to obesity in women
Tech Talk: Can VR spot early Alzheimer's?

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Stats: Up to 7,500 daily steps can curb mortality in older women
WHO highlights healthy lifestyle to reduce dementia risk
Vision impairment tied to anxiety, depression in older adults
Many businesses out of touch with their customers: global survey
How are older adults reducing prescription drug costs?
Tech Talk: AI applications for older adults, people with disabilities

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Stats: Top 10 fittest cities analyzed, ranked by ACSM
Positive emotion skills curb caregiver depression, anxiety
Medicare urged to use external reference pricing
Obese older adults face fewer years of fully functional life
Cardio fitness linked to lung, colorectal cancer risk, survival
Tech Talk: Robopets may boost wellness for those engaging with them

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Stats: 7.5 million adults 65+ can't pay for a prescribed drug
Mind-body exercises show some benefits for MCI
Restricting carbs at breakfast curbs glucose spikes in diabetics
Workplace wellness programs on the rise: CDC
Medically tailored meal delivery halves hospital admissions
Tech Talk: Study pilots motion-tracking wearable for Parkinson's

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Stats: 94% of grandparents help support grandchildren financially
Poor diet biggest risk factor for death worldwide
Family caregivers need formal training
WHO drafts global digital health strategy
Low scam awareness tied to cognitive impairment
Tech Talk: CMS boosts telehealth coverage

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Stats: One in three older adults lacks regular companionship
Older adults feel younger when they feel in control
Receiving more "thanks" at work boosts physical, mental health
Behavioral therapy bests drugs for urinary incontinence
Dehydration tests unreliable for very old
Tech Talk: Most mental health apps not supported by evidence

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