What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: Health costs of ageism: US$63 billion yearly
Office levels of CO2 harm cognition, productivity
Some quick dementia tests likely to be wrong
Trazodone, antipsychotics have similar fall/fracture risks
Generation gap shrinks for customer expectations
Tech Talk: Hand sensor may detect signs of Parkinson's

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Stats: 39% of caregivers have health challenges
Fructose-sweetened drinks linked to higher type-2 diabetes risk
Multifaceted exercise boosts function in hospitalized older adults
Sleep length tied to risk of falls and fractures
How does mindfulness meditation improve mood?
Tech Talk: Rural residents less likely to use telehealth

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Stats: 13.4% of adults 65+ meditate
Eating more protein may curb disabilities
Well-being metrics critical to social, policy decisions
Untreated hearing loss tied to high healthcare costs
Canadians healthy, living longer
Tech Talk: Digital therapeutics defined, explored

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Special report: Should older adults be screened for abuse?
Tooth loss tied to malnutrition
Older adult health literacy challenges
Can young plasma help Alzheimer's symptoms?
How companies can impact health/wellness behaviors
Tech Talk: Partnership to ease joint replacement "journey"

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Stats: Fall death rates up by 110% for adults 65+
What ACIs think about retirement communities
Majority of type 2 diabetics at risk of heart ills
Deprescribing OK with older Americans
Do older adults eat fast food?
Tech Talk: Online diabetes prevention program woks

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Stats: 13.9 million with Alzheimer's in 2060
ARC nations embrace age-friendly cities
Daily aspirin boosts bleeding, confers little benefit
Working caregivers have lower financial well-being
Arthritis pain linked to depression
Tech Talk: Protect your digital identity

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Total items: 630

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