What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: 37% of adults take meds that may trigger depression
Intergenerational shared sites in demand
Optimal sleep linked to lower risks of dementia, early death
Physical activity resources loaded with jargon
No health benefit to vitamin and mineral supplements
TechTalk: Time spent sitting matters less for fit people

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Stats: 85% of PCPs can't deal with complex health conditions
How much exercise is needed to improve cognitive function?
Perceived socioeconomic status affects how old you feel
New report highlights concerns of LGBT older adults
Exergaming may boost cognition in those with MCI
TechTalk: Consumer sleep technology lacks rigorous testing

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Stats: 53% of 60+ workers postponing retirement
USPSTF: No routine PSA testing for men 70+
Facebook use engages, empowers older adults
5 healthy habits may boost life expectancy by a decade
New longevity economics report released on Capitol Hill
TechTalk: Robot playing Tic Tac Toe may aid rehab

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Stats: 73% of working Boomers use tech to meet a health goal
USPSTF recommends exercise to prevent falls
Unnecessary meds prescribed after dementia diagnosis
Medical marijuana users more apt to use/misuse other drugs
Lack of sleep may boost Alzheimer's risk
TechTalk: AI device detects diabetes-related eye problems

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Stats: More than 100% cost increase in drugs for older adults
Renters willing to pay more for smart apartments
Older adults grow as many new brain cells as young people
LGBT older adults concerned about support, care
Half of vision problems can be treated by wearing glasses
TechTalk: Personality affects use of diabetes mgt app

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Stats: Fewer than 15% of Boomers screened for HCV
Stigma curbing participation in Alzheimer's studies
Children of centenarians feel stronger purpose in life
Brief use of pedometers may boost activity over the long term
Meniscus repair doesn't help older adults
TechTalk: Virtual coaches, fitness trackers helpful for post-cardiac rehab

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Total items: 630

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