What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: Over 90% of 50+ adults own a computer or laptop
Digitalization among key household market opportunities
"Low-value" health care services overused: poll
Physically fit women less likely to develop dementia
Older adults overdosing on opioids
TechTalk: Wellness gone wireless

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Stats: 62% of companies have workplace wellness programs - or do they?
Older adults unlikely to start treatment after depression diagnosis
Community-based screening may curb hip fractures in older women
Boosting social interaction improves dementia-related behaviors
Risky sedatives still being prescribed to adults 65+
TechTalk: Visually impaired navigate VR with a cane simulation

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Stats: 12 million ED visits for people 45+ with diabetes
Location, staff drive older-adult community satisfaction
Flu shots urged for socially active older women
Dental care in early dementia may curb problems later
Do omega-3 supplements help the heart?
TechTalk: Apple app aims for FDA clearance

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Stats: 6x higher risk of heart attack after flu infection
Co-living a top consumer trend globally
Transcendental meditation relieves PTSD symptoms
NIC releases seniors housing 4Q17 data
Build leg muscle strength to boost walking
TechTalk: Smartphone apps for family caregivers assessed

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Stats: 55% of silent generation want walkable communities
New AAN guideline: exercise to boost memory, thinking
How gardeners can dig for health, not injury
Infographic: What do marketers think about AI?
Hearing problems may up risk of disability, dementia
TECH TALK: Smartphone app assesses nature's benefits in real time

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Stats: 78.6 - US life expectancy drops again
Facebook job ads exclude older workers
Oral health linked to risk of frailty
Quality contact with grandparents curbs ageism
Insights: State of women's wellness
TechTalk: AI impacts corporate health, lifelong learning

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Total items: 630

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