What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: 60% of adults 55+ knowledgeable about AI
Tai chi may curb Parkinson's disease symptoms for years
Personalized intervention boosts health, cognition
HR trends report for 2024 released
Light therapy may improve Alzheimer's symptoms
Tech Talk: Technologies to meet senior living customer expectations

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Stats: 50% of employees uncomfortable talking about mental health
WHO releases toolkit on physical activity for older adults
Extreme heat projected to increase cardiovascular deaths
Lack of friend or family visits linked to increased risk of dying
Healthy aging toolkit facilitates evidence-based research
Tech Talk: Emory launches Empathetic AI for Health Institute

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Stats: 42% of retirees fear loss of Social Security
Daily stair climbing can cut heart disease risk by 20%
Telehealth generation gap causes stark division
Spirituality supports mental health: Global report
Workplaces less inclusive, less ethical than before, employees say
Tech Talk: AI may predict risk of dying after hip fracture

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Stats: 30% of pre-retirees face worse health, economic status
Hobbies linked to better mental wellbeing in people 65+
Chat GPT has potential to increase access, efficiency in healthcare
Support needed for physical, mental health among older people in prison
Older adults are changing the US: AARP
Tech Talk: VR exercises for people with intellectual disabilities

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Stats: 37% of older adults get potentially inappropriate medications
More resident diversity needed in life plan communities
Daily walking curbs adverse effects of bedrest in the hospital
Opioids no more effective than placebo for acute back, neck pain
Screening mammograms risky for women over 70
Tech Talk: Does functional age best biological age for assessing longevity?

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Stats: 35% of outdoor sports participants are older adults
Tinnitus relief may soon be on the way (ages 35-65)
Canadians continue to support medically assisted dying: Poll
Active older adults have better quality of life
Community spaces may boost healthy aging for older Black, Hispanic adults
Tech Talk: 2023 Fintech for Aging and Longevity map launches

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