What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: 68% say caregiving is stressful during holidays
VR plus treadmill exercises reduce PD-related falls
Social media boosts weight loss
Air pollution negates healthy effects of walking
Insights: Health literacy improves outcomes for everyone
TechTalk: Want to participate in the Apple Heart Study?

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Stats: About 11% of older adults eat enough fruit and vegetables
One type of brain training may reduce dementia risk
Need for long-term care to double in Canada
Older adults want to participate in medical decisions
Dementia caregivers face challenges, benefits

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Stats: 67% of people with diabetes live in cities; cities respond
Pumping iron better than cardio for older adults
Close friends tied to sharper memory
Changing narrative on aging is top consumer trend in 2017
Insights: What works for workplace giving
TechTalk: Connected Care Conference targets older adults

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Stats: 20% lower mortality risk if you walk 2.5-5 hours per week
HIV rates increasing among older adults
Supervisor support critical to employee wellbeing, workforce readiness
Learning, staying in shape key to longer life
Does mindfulness really work?
TechTalk: Brain-training audiogame helps older adults with hearing loss

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Stat: 40% of all cancers linked to overweight, obesity
Poor sleep not a normal part of aging
Infographic: Multigenerational workplace? No problem!
Short bouts of intense strength training boosts bone mass in older women
Older adults apt to disclose suicidal thoughts: listen and act
TechTalk: Automation in daily life: worry and enthusiasm

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Stats: 32% optimism boost for older adults who exercise regularly
Company's actions as important as their services
Smartphone apps can reduce depression
Small increases in physical activity may lower disability risks
Is diabetes overtreated in older adults?
TechTalk: What "phishing" means and why it matters

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