What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: 13 million US households could need home modifications
Older people are fast-growing segment of the workforce
Leisure-time physical activity may reduce risk of Alzheimer's
Digitally connected, with a little help
Rewrite descriptions to make vegetables exciting
In longterm care, environmental features promote physical activity

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Stats: 25% of midlife Canadians have difficulty walking
Training helps police officers understand aging
Volunteering each week reduces risk of dementia
Over time, managing money and meds is harder
In urban areas, green space promotes well-being
Change lifestyle to lower heart attack risk? Maybe.
Exercise reduces severe disability, but not everyday activities

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Stats: $33 billion cost of caregiving in Canada
Eating vegetables may lower anxiety
Three-pronged intervention counteracts frailty
Life skills inspire well-being at older ages
Healthy heart in midlife could save US $18,000 later
Mix types of exercise for cognitive health

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Stats: 20% growth in global market for wellness-oriented communities
Personal choice improves exercise adherence
Drive and talk? Over half of 65+ do
Knowing about money reduces anxiety
Stereotypes of dementia flourish in social media
Exercisers experience less disability after a stroke
Build cognitive reserve with midlife challenges

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Stats: $259 billion cost of Alzheimer's disease
Strength training helps cognition
Inactivity plus lifestyle risks equal more chronic conditions
Ageism has many consequences
Lonely or not, older adults benefit from social connections
Add a robot to improve balance training
Food choices linked to death from heart disease and diabetes

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In this issue Stats: 44.6 million years of health lost by not eating vegetables
Diet quality may link to leisure activity
Exercise relieves depression for people with dementia
Arthritis limits activities, but exercise helps
Costs rise when joint pain limits activity
Older homeowners lead growth of remodeling industry

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Total items: 630

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