What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: By year 2060, possible 73 million with hearing loss in US
Assistive devices aid successful aging
Boomers most engaged workers in senior living
Try yoga for low back pain
Prevention and support could save billions for dementia care
Nutrition needs for healthy aging
The give and take of social connections

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Stats: Life expectancy to increase in 35 countries
Boomers worry about affording retirement living
Life review can relieve depression
How do older adults define successful aging?
For women, exercise lifts quality of life
In their sixties, too much sedentary time
Double the intake of fruits and veggies to prevent disease

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Stats: At age 65, over 19 more years of life
Social life helps maintain daily activities
Sedentary living may age cells, but exercise helps
Global "wellness" market hits $3.7 trillion
Movement could buy happiness
Frequent mental activities reduce risk of cognitive decline

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Stats: One-quarter of US households headed by a person 65+
Even in winter, people keep walking
Older adults check online reviews before buying
As long as its 150 minutes, exercise reduces risk
Acceptance of assistive robots depends on who you ask
Acceptance of technologies to reduce falls depends on ease of use
Acceptance of activity trackers depends on purpose
Small amounts of physical activity can reduce arthritis disability

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Stats: 7.3 billion global population
Participation is a top goal for employee wellness
Lifestyle is main message for UK boomers
Student loan debt quadruples for older Americans
In midlife, active transportation aids weight loss
Chair yoga reduces pain of osteoarthritis
More active, and more functional limitations

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Stats: 45% of US 65+ feel they are in good health
Aging population needs better housing
Belief in healthy behaviors collides with reality
Physical activity wins against heart disease
Massage can benefit residents and care staff
Older drivers change timing but not mileage after education
Social activism in 30s improves cognition at 50
Well-being ranks high as age increases

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Total items: 630

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