What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: Stroke rates lower for Boomers; higher if younger
Social isolation follows hearing impairment
Little interest in exercise to prevent falls
Positive attitude and resilience key to longevity
More walking and less strengthening as people age
Ageist stereotypes reinforced and debunked in newspaper
Knee arthritis no barrier to walking

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Stats: Nearly 20% decline in coronary heart disease
Selling online: Fun or necessity?
When vision declines, so does function
CCRCs invest in themselves
Dementia rate declines, but reasons are unknown
Family caregivers spend nearly 20% of income
Arts program in galleries benefits people with dementia
Physical activity follows joint replacement

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Stats: Every 3 seconds, a new bone fracture
Why work in senior living?
Experiences energize life after 50
Delivering meals to homes may reduce loneliness
Evidence builds that exercise reduces risk of diabetes
Timing exercise is best bet for people with diabetes
What you eat may affect your ability to think
Technology maintains connections for the 80+ generation

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Stats: US $7.6 trillion in economic activity from people 50+
Aging-in-place renovations? Maybe later
Strength gains tied to cognition gains
Mud bath is cost-effective relief for knee osteoarthritis
Cash motivates physical activity
Volunteering may lower risk of cognitive decline

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Stats: Nearly US $6 trillion in equity for 62+ homeowners
Laughter plus exercise gives all-around benefit
Steps-per-day are key to older adults going outdoors
Holiday weight gain lasts a long time
And that fitness tracker may not help weight loss
The ups and downs of physical activity participation
Gardening enhances physical and mental health

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Stats: At midlife, 4% have trouble with household activities
Start with fun to encourage physical activity
Older and more satisfied with life
$70 per month is top dollar caregivers would pay for technologies
Despite the difficulties, people leave home for social activities
Some older adults join the gig economy
Lifestyle choices may mean more years of health

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