What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: 1 in 6 people prefer to die at younger ages
Midlife exercise promotes cognitive health
High demand and low wages for home care workers
Cognitive activity may influence dementia risk
Quality of life rises when lifestyle goals are met
Volunteering and work may help limit disability

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Stats: 3.2 million "grand" parents and children live together
Online social connections benefit older adults
Online, but not to make doctor appointments
Sedentary time increases risk of heart disease
Benefits of volunteering improve with age
Positive attitude about aging helps reduce stress
Personalize nutrition advice for better results

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Stats: $53 billion healthcare cost of physical inactivity
Not everyone walks the talk about physical activity
Group activities are positive for aging veterans
Stretching exercise may relieve symptoms of menopause
Read a book, you may live longer
A diagnosis of dementia could have a positive side
Money, health and caregiving in an aging US

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Stats: Millions of 50+ adults play video games
Problems with mobility impact everyday activities
If you think exercise helps, maybe it will
Mind and body improve with power training
Brain training for thinking; aerobics for memory
How do residents feel about moving to a retirement community?

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Stats: Too few with Parkinson's use allied therapies
Boomers in Canada set to inherit billions of dollars
Summertime means cookouts and walks in nature
Why live to be 100? Curiosity
Centenarians have more years of better health
Exercise and education equal in preventing (or not) heart disease
Purpose in life leads to feelings of well-being

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Stats: Obesity levels high in middle ages
Photographing the experience may increase enjoyment
Technologies for healthy living have billion-dollar potential
Small bouts of exercise have positive benefits
As people age in place, they influence the housing market
Friendly relations reduce ageist stereotypes
Strategies improve thinking for people with mild cognitive decline

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Total items: 630

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