What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: Half of older US adults have arthritis
Dancing may reduce risk of heart disease mortality
After retirement, daily schedules influence depression
Quantity of activities also influence depression
Daily rates for longterm care vary by location
Using a tablet computer may relate to cognition
Structured program doubles amount of physical activity

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Stats: Global life expectancy increases
Spend or save that extra money?
Practicing Hatha yoga may reduce anxiety
Which dimensions of wellness are used for cognitive health?
Too few older adults use public parks
New model of aging built on function and attitude

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Stats: Income of US older adults
Satisfied about aging?
Attitude may protect against falls
Pros and patients disagree about barriers to post-rehab exercise
Officials and residents differ on communities' age-friendliness
Education plus exercise equals participation
Feeling useful helps people with osteoarthritis cope
Seven promising ways to improve eating for people with dementia

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Hearing loss leads to higher health care costs
Using a hearing aid may help cognition
Eat Mediterranean to lower risk of hip fracture
Aquatic exercise may ease pain from osteoarthritis
Who wants to move instead of aging in place?
Cost versus rewards of a physical activity intervention

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Stats: Billion dollar market for active-aging technology
Reading, crafts and computer use related to cognitive health
Adult day wellness benefits caregivers and clients
Plant-based Japanese diet lowers risk of stroke
Multiple types of exercise improve function in oldest adults
Minutes mark lifestyle after leaving full-time work
Decline delayed when social life is a priority

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Stats: 1.6 billion people 65+ projected by 2050
Feeling healthy and thinking fast lead to longer life
Supportive services may be a double-edged sword
Mindfulness training reduces lower back pain
Song lyrics reinforce negativity about aging
Exercise may slow cognitive decline by 10 years
Giving advice has meaning, especially at older ages

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Total items: 630

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