What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: Telehealth use by Medicare recipients rose 63-fold during pandemic
New Alzheimer's drug of questionable value
New index shows states' capacity to support successful aging
Workday workout can help employees focus
Clutter-free environment may not help people with dementia
Tech Talk: Digital treatment may curb depression symptoms

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Stats: Boosting dairy intake curbs fracture risk by 33%
Pandemic causes depression, anxiety disorders to soar
Illness, death messaging best motivation for exercise
Guide to building an employee advocacy program
Sitting more linked to depression, anxiety
Tech: Robotic pet improves mood, behavior, cognition in dementia

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Stats: 82% of older adults plan to stay put
Why maximizing health span is key to healthy aging: study
Improve health equity with cross-cultural marketing strategies
Using internet in retirement boosts cognitive function
Nature-based activities improve mood, curb anxiety
Tech Talk: Amazon to launch "Alexa Together" for caregivers

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Stats: Choosing your own step goal boosts activity by 1,400 steps daily
Mentally reconnecting to work in the morning a key to leader success
Seven walking strategies can benefit people with Parkinson's
Low-tech intervention lifts participation in advance care planning
Well-being improves in US metro areas, but not rural regions
Tech Talk: Telecare tied to medication adherence in the homebound

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Stats: Daily walking lowers post-stroke death risk by 54%
"Financial wellness" takes on new meaning after COVID-19
Social support boosts older Chinese, Korean Americans' health
Workplace interruptions create sense of belonging
Fewer than half of older adults discuss alcohol with providers
Tech Talk: Future of tech in the fitness industry

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Stats: Corporate wellness solutions market worth $94.6 billion by 2026
Keeping brain active delays dementia by five years
Hearing impairment tied to worse physical function
Toxic workplaces boost depression risk by 300%
Ethical guidance for dementia diagnosis, care: AAN
Tech Talk: Digital tech supports employees' mental health, resilience

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