What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


ICAA's Research Review newsletter is a must for any health and wellness professional who intends to stay connected with the latest developments in aging research and population trends. Use these news stories to stay on top of the evidence in surveys, studies and polls that enables you to connect to the global active-aging community, establish relevant programs, and educate and market to older adults.



Stats: Two-thirds of ALFs reported no COVID-19 deaths
"Connected" homes increasingly crowded, overwhelming
Leaders who listen, learn have more resilient teams
Older women at risk of abuse in some social activities
Ageism ruins careers in Canadian workplaces
Tech Talk: Making the most of mental health apps

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Stats: 43% of adults 60+ likely obese
Exercise for PAD: no pain, no gain
Lack of in-person contact drives older adults to social media
Time to re-imagine LTC infrastructure
How to care for people with dementia and their care partners
Tech Talk: Anxious employees get digital mental health help

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Stats: Hospital at home model grows 8-fold in under 6 months
For health messages, focus on the positive
Pandemic transforms oral health care for older adults
Non-drug therapies as good or better than drugs for depression in dementia
Physical activity curbs cognitive decline in early Parkinson's/a>
Tech Talk: Wireless brain-computer interfaces on near horizon

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Stats: One in four women 65+ can't walk two blocks
CPAP boosts physical activity for those with sleep apnea
Coming up: First UN global report on ageism
Racial/ethnic discrimination a barrier to dementia care
Screen former/current smokers ages 50-80 for lung cancer: USPSTF
Tech Talk: Smart speakers detect heart-rhythm problems

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Stats: 30% growth in time spent on mobile among GenX/Boomers in 2020
Eating some unhealthy foods may sabotage healthy diet, cognition
Strategies to boost care for dementia-related psychosis
Health, wellness converging: a global cultural shift
Depression linked to older subjective age
Tech Talk: Telehealth a key to disaster preparedness going forward

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Stats: 56% of assisted living providers may not make it due to COVID
Food insecurity rising among US older adults
Sturdy, not flexible, shoes best for knee pain
Looking ahead boosts wellbeing during COVID lockdowns
WHO releases latest infection prevention, control guidance
Tech Talk: Biogen, Apple to tackle cognitive impairment

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