Call to action

Things you can do to get the message out about ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030

Press releases
Announce your support for the ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030 by adding your company’s specific info to the attached template, then emailing (or mailing) it to your local newspapers and TV and radio stations. You have nothing to lose – and lots of free publicity to gain! Follow up with a phone call to their news departments to help ensure your information gets a mention. And don't forget to add your support for the ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030 and a short description of your actions to all your future media releases.

Social media
The next time your company updates your existing and prospective clients through social media, include a mention of your support for the ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030.

Twitter posts
(Twitter hashtag: #Decadeofhealthyaging)

1. (your company name) embraces #ICAAcalltoaction to prepare for the #DecadeofHealthyAging, 2020–2030. Learn more @ http://icaa.cc/calltoaction.htm

2. (your company name) promotes the vision of all individuals, regardless of age, fully engaging in life. (your website) #ICAAcalltoaction

3. We are joining ICAA & the international community to launch 2020 as the #DecadeofHealthyAging More http://icaa.cc/calltoaction.htm #ICAAcalltoaction

4. We are shifting attitudes on aging by embracing the potential of all people, no matter their age. Won't you join us. (your website) #ICAAcalltoaction

Other social media tools:

Social media badge [Place on sites like Twitter, Facebook and Google+

Share Call to Action video on social media and/or your website

Promotional brochures and marketing materials
Include your support for the ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030 on your direct mail pieces and postcards, as well as your in-house flyers and brochures. Tell your clients and potential clients that your organization is committed to helping them reach their potential.

Place one or more articles on your support for ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030 tells your customers and followers how much you care about building a better society for them and for the older adults of the future.

Bulletin boards
Attract your clients' attention with the latest news and research on healthy aging – then enhance your positioning by letting them know how the information reinforces your support for the ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030.

Web pages
Display the ICAA logo on your website and link it directly to our section on this topic, entitled: ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade for Healthy Aging 2020-2030.

PowerPoint/overhead projector slides
When giving presentations, why not show that you have aligned yourself with the world's largest organization for active aging professionals? The ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030 tells everyone you're serious about improving the lives of older adults now and in the future.

Display your affiliation with the ICAA at sponsored events in the community and within your facility by including our logo and (room permitting) a mention of our mutual support for the forthcoming 2020 Decade of Healthy Aging.

For trade shows, new client introductions or whenever you need to introduce your company and its services, you’ll be letting everyone (and your staff) know that as part of your commitment to the ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030, you are giving them current and relevant information from a professional source on active aging.

Sales presentations
Differentiation helps potential customers separate so-so companies from truly professional ones. What better way to show your organization is a professional step ahead of your competition than by focusing on how you are actually doing something to change the way we age? Supporting and acting upon the ICAA Call to Action: Preparing for the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030 shows you’re walking the walk.


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