What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: A bionic leg made for walking-10736

Tech Talk: A bionic leg made for walking

A neuroprosthetic interface allows a bionic leg to be fully responsive to the human nervous system, a new report suggests. The interface, made of surgically constructed agonist-antagonist muscle pairs that restore natural proprioception (the ability to sense limb position and movement), resulted in improved walking control in a clinical trial involving 14 people with below-the-knee amputation. The findings suggest that even partial reinstatement of neural signaling may be sufficient to enable improvements in neuroprosthetic functionality.



Multigenerational workforce wants stronger US retirement system-10730

Multigenerational workforce wants stronger US retirement system

Just one in five US workers (20%) is "very" confident they will be able to fully retire with a comfortable lifestyle, according to "The Multigenerational Workforce: Life, Work, and Retirement," a recently released report from nonprofit Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® (TCRS) in collaboration with Transamerica Institute®. The report is based on findings from a 2023 survey that included more than 5,700 US workers in for-profit companies, and it can provide organizations with insights regarding their staff, as well as residents and members. It features comparisons of responses by Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, Boomers.



Chronic loneliness tied to increased risk of stroke-10726

Chronic loneliness tied to increased risk of stroke

Chronic loneliness may significantly raise older adults' risk of stroke, according to a recent study.


Mental health

How to empower the care force-10716

How to empower the care force

Direct care workers and family caregivers are the backbone of the older adult care force, but they often lack support. A new "Together in Care" issue brief recommends policy actions that empower and support direct care workers and family caregivers in their interconnected roles, including:



Helping older adults manage obesity-10706

Helping older adults manage obesity

A summit convened by the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) has resulted in the identification of seven strategies for successful care of older adults with obesity. GSA outlines the recommendations in a new publication, "Bringing Obesity Management to the Forefront of Care for Older Adults."



Stats: Mental wellness market to grow to $330 billion by 2027-10700

Stats: Mental wellness market to grow to $330 billion by 2027

Mental wellness is an issue for older adults, regardless of whether they have cognitive decline. Various commercial solutions have been developed, but mental disorders often are linked to environmental and social factors, as well as individual vulnerability. The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) has released new data and a new report targeting this issue in the larger context.


Cognitive health

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