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Topic- Business profiles


Pioneer spirit: Jazzercise, Inc.'s Judi Sheppard Missett by Ginny Cassidy-110

Pioneer spirit: Jazzercise, Inc.'s Judi Sheppard Missett by Ginny Cassidy

Since its inception in 1969, the Jazzercise dance-fitness program has grown from a one-woman operation into an international franchise organization providing innovative fitness classes in more than 25 countries. Change is the one constant Judi Sheppard Missett, the 59 year-old founder of Jazzercise, has counted on over the years, but she has an undeniable knack of staying ahead of the curve, both personally and professionally.


Business profiles

The Nautilus solution-101

The Nautilus solution

In the world of physical activity, Nautilus is a name synonymous with strength training. Founded in 1970 by Arthur Jones, who later sold the company and established MedX Inc., Nautilus ushered in the era of strength training for everyone. The company’s innovative, variable resistance equipment provided the first real alternative to free weights, helping to popularize weight lifting beyond the body building culture.


Business profiles

A lesson in leadership-90

A lesson in leadership

The president of Star Trac tells why he’s passionate about the company’s people, products and priorities

Every day, more than three million people worldwide use Star Trac treadmills, ellipticals, bikes and stairclimbers. But 15 years ago, nothing could have predicted Star Trac’s meteoric rise in the commercial fitness equipment world.


Business profiles

Viva: a model for life-71

Viva: a model for life

When John Erickson founded Erickson Retirement Communities in 1983, his vision was to create big, vibrant communities for middle-income retirees. Nearly 20 years later, his growing network of 10 communities is already home to more than 9,000 residents. With the launch of a wellness screening system designed and supported by the foundation he established in 1998, the chairman and CEO of Erickson Retirement Communities starts another phase of realizing his vision to change the way people view and deal with getting older.


Business profiles

The miracle worker by Jenifer Milner-69

The miracle worker by Jenifer Milner

“There are no old people at Fitness First,” says Registered Nurse Dottie Drake, owner and manager of the New Jersey chain Fitness First for Women and Seniors, Inc. “Even if you feel old, you’re not going to stay old,” she tells her clients. “You’re going to get younger, better, stronger and healthier every single day.” They laugh, but they love her pep talks. And they improve.


Business profiles

The SilverSneakers solution-68

The SilverSneakers solution

Ask older adults what they associate with health and fitness centers, and most will tell you they envision 20 and 30 year-old muscle-bound men and women exercising to loud music in a fast-paced environment. What is wrong with this picture? Why don’t older adults imagine people in their 70s, 80s and 90s working out to the sounds of Frank Sinatra or Tony Bennett in a fun, friendly environment?


Business profiles

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