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The Journal on Active Aging brings articles of value to professionals dedicated to older-adult quality of life. Content sweeps across the active-aging landscape to focus on education and practice. Find articles of interest by searching the article archives in three ways: Enter a keyword in the articles search bar; click on search by topic; or type a keyword or phrase in the general search bar at the top of the page.

Engagement work group finalizes statement-1308

Engagement work group finalizes statement

In 2008, the International Council on Active Aging® launched ICAA 2020, an initiative dedicated to identifying and defining elements needed to prepare the active-aging industry for the future. The goals of ICAA 2020, which is supported by Morrison Senior Living, are to raise the value of the active-aging industry, expand our audience of believers, shift thinking to the new paradigm of a wellness model, and create opportunities for older adults and professionals. One of the strategies coming out of this visioning process is to promote engagement as a core principle when developing programs and preparing professionals to work with the aging population.


ICAA initiatives

Equipping your wellness center: innovative fitness tools for the Age Wave by Colin Milner-1307

Equipping your wellness center: innovative fitness tools for the Age Wave by Colin Milner

In the past two decades, the fitness and wellness industry has gone from barbells to talking machines, and back again. Many new products have rocked the industry’s foundations during this time; others have fizzled away. With the first of the Baby Boomers turning 62 this year, innovative product introductions and modifications aimed at the aging adult are sure to keep the industry Richter scale going overtime. These fitness tools promise to help your wellness center serve the Age Wave better. There is one caveat to keep in mind, however: Any innovations, design changes or functional improvements must address the needs and abilities of your clients, current and future.



Changing how we age: a cause that affects us all by Jenifer Milner-1305

Changing how we age: a cause that affects us all by Jenifer Milner

The sit-ins, “Freedom Rides” and marches of the early 1960s were pivotal events in the American civil rights movement. These events not only helped to increase awareness of civil rights issues, but also spurred people across the United States to get involved in fighting discrimination and ending racial segregation. Momentum that had been building over years grew in the court of public opinion. The time was ripe for change. In May 2011, when the first African-American president proclaimed the 50th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides, it was a potent reminder of how far society has come since those protests. Society has a long way to go, however, when it comes to age discrimination.


Industry development

Yoga programs for older adults by Patricia Harpell-1303

Yoga programs for older adults by Patricia Harpell

If you can breathe, you can do yoga. One look at the cover of many yoga magazines might lead you to believe that yoga is just for the slim, young and flexible. Yet I have introduced yoga to healthy older adults as well as to people with spinal cord injuries, amputees, those confined to wheelchairs or beds, and everyone in between.


Mindful exercise

ICAA's Changing the Way We Age Campaign launches: Are you on board yet? by Marilynn Larkin, MA-1300

ICAA's Changing the Way We Age Campaign launches: Are you on board yet? by Marilynn Larkin, MA

On May 9, 2011, the International Council on Active Aging® launched a groundbreaking initiative called ICAA’s Changing the Way We Age® Campaign. With components that target media and marketers, organizations and individuals, the campaign “aims to help shatter ageist stereotypes and shift society’s perceptions of aging,” declares ICAA CEO Colin Milner.


Industry development

Dos and don'ts for creating a successful wellness center by Scott Richardson-1297

Dos and don'ts for creating a successful wellness center by Scott Richardson

The decision has been made. It’s time to build a new wellness center or expand the current one. Where do you start? What’s involved in the planning, development and construction to make this center a success for both your organization and residents? Why not ask your colleagues who have gone through the process and can give you valuable advice based on their successes and failures?

When asked to prepare this article, I reflected on the experiences I had in developing, building and opening two wellness centers. The first took place in 1999 in Harrisonburg, Virginia, at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community. Then in 2006 I initiated the launch for the Health Club and Spa at Williamsburg Landing Continuing Care Community in Williamsburg, Virginia. Both communities had the fortitude to think outside the box and build centers that are examples of excellence in the retirement community industry.


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