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The Journal on Active Aging brings articles of value to professionals dedicated to older-adult quality of life. Content sweeps across the active-aging landscape to focus on education and practice. Find articles of interest by searching the article archives in three ways: Enter a keyword in the articles search bar; click on search by topic; or type a keyword or phrase in the general search bar at the top of the page.

Healthy brain aging: why we need to retool 'Use it or lose it' by Alvaro Fernandez, MA, MBA-1033

Healthy brain aging: why we need to retool 'Use it or lose it' by Alvaro Fernandez, MA, MBA

By now you have probably heard about brain plasticity, the lifelong capacity of the brain to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience. The latest scientific research shows that specific lifestyles and actions can improve the health and level of functioning of our brains, no matter our age.

Of particular importance to maintaining cognitive functioning through life are the hippocampus (deep inside the brain, part of what is called the limbic system), which plays a role in learning and memory; and the frontal lobes (behind your forehead), which are key to maintaining decision-making and autonomy. Is there a way to physically protect these parts of the aging brain? Yes. But the right answer is far from “do one more crossword puzzle” or “do more X” (whatever X is). The key is to add significantly different activities to ensure a flow of novelty, variety and challenge, combining physical and mental exercise while not ignoring factors such as stress management and balanced nutrition.


Cognitive health

How well is the wellness industry? by Patricia Ryan, MS, and Colin Milner-1032

How well is the wellness industry? by Patricia Ryan, MS, and Colin Milner

Have you been on the edge of your seat this past year, watching news broadcast after news broadcast discussing the downward spiral of the economy? Have you been reading about how real estate and banking have taken a massive hit? Not to mention thinking about how many more years you probably will work to gain back the losses in your retirement savings.

No matter where you look, news about the economy is plentiful and depressing. After reading so many stories of woe, the International Council on Active Aging® (ICAA) recently checked to see if the economic pulse of the active-aging industry was still beating.



Effective training extends beyond the classroom by Debra J. Schmidt-1031

Effective training extends beyond the classroom by Debra J. Schmidt

Training may begin in a classroom, but often the learning ends there. New skills are quickly forgotten if they are not reinforced by managers, follow-up activities, on-the-job training and ongoing feedback.

Here are six ways to increase training effectiveness in your organization:

1. Require an action plan and timeline
To maximize the results of training, each employee should write a personal plan before they leave the meeting or classroom. Commitment to learning increases when employees outline specific actions they will take to implement the concepts they have learned.



Country Meadows' Fitness Walking Trail maximizes residents' abilities and independence-1029

Country Meadows' Fitness Walking Trail maximizes residents' abilities and independence

The Fitness Walking Trail “was a creative way to provide a series of exercises that are specific to the typical challenges our residents take on each day,” says Executive Director of Fitness Kim Eichinger, who designed the program. “We observe our residents during outings, special events and daily activities to determine what type of movements are becoming difficult for them. Then we select exercises for our trail (a directed walking path) that simulate these activities.” Adds Eichinger, “The trail has been a very versatile tool for demonstrating to the residents areas where they are strong, as well as areas for improvement.”


Innovator awards

The BalanceGym: a versatile solution for the older-adult market-1028

The BalanceGym: a versatile solution for the older-adult market

The BalanceGym, launched in 2008, is a product designed to address both the physical and emotional needs of users, particularly those with balance impairments. This multifunctional standing exercise station was invented by Frederick Buechel, Jr., MD, chief of orthopaedic surgery at the NCH Healthcare System in Naples, Florida, and physical therapist Colin Hoobler, MPT, MS, the host of “The Fitness Show” on PBS. They developed the BalanceGym from inspiration and insight gained from managing their patients’ musculoskeletal needs, as well as their personal dedication to exercise and fitness. BalanceGym, LLC, was the company formed to bring this equipment to the market.


Innovator awards

Incentives reward participation during Active Aging Week-1025

Incentives reward participation during Active Aging Week

The goal of Active Aging Week, ICAA’s annual health promotion event, is to encourage people to take action. Its tenets are simple and appealing. Whether a single activity or a daily parade of programming, Active Aging Week events are:

• educational
• fun
• free

These events are planned and hosted by professionals and older adults in retirement communities, community services such as seniors centers and area agencies on aging, wellness centers and health clubs. The activities include walks, demonstrations, many varieties of exercise classes, lectures, health fairs, music performances, spelling bees, and friendly competitions.


ICAA initiatives

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