What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Once again, research shows sedentary time is unhealthy-5225

Once again, research shows sedentary time is unhealthy

A meta-analysis was conducted using 41 research studies relating to sedentary time among adults and several health conditions. Levels of physical activity were self-reported by participants in all but one study. Prolonged sedentary time (such as sitting) was independently associated with the incidence of cardiovascular disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes, and mortality.


Physical wellness

Older adults report more falls, but reasons are not clear-5223

Older adults report more falls, but reasons are not clear

Participants in the Health and Retirement Study (1998-2010) reported whether or not they had fallen. For an analysis, a fall was defined as one self-reported fall in the past two years. Among all adults 65 and older, the two-year prevalence of falls


Falls management

How do older adults train their brains?-5221

How do older adults train their brains?

A healthy lifestyle was at least somewhat important to 99% of 1,200 people ages 34-75 years who completed an online survey. Almost as many, 93%, felt that maintaining brain health was very or extremely


Cognitive health

Eating fruit and vegetables linked to lower risk of sarcopenia, too-5219

Eating fruit and vegetables linked to lower risk of sarcopenia, too

Eating five servings of fruits and vegetables has become a recommendation almost as well-known as walking 10,000 steps. These foods have been associated with reduced risk of some cancers and chronic diseases and are sources of needed vitamins, minerals and fiber (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).



High-speed circuit training may counteract sarcopenia-5217

High-speed circuit training may counteract sarcopenia

Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength, which in turn can lead to loss of physical function (International Osteoporosis Foundation). As the authors of a new study point out, this loss can occur along with an increase in body fat (adiposity). The combination is termed “sarcopenic obesity.”


Physical wellness

At 65, expect about 19 more years of life-5215

At 65, expect about 19 more years of life

A new data analysis of the US population in 2013 projected that people age 65 could live another 19.3 years, with women expected to live an additional 20.5


Public policy

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