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Topic- ICAA initiatives


Creating the active aging industry: the ICAA after five years by Jenifer Milner-518

Creating the active aging industry: the ICAA after five years by Jenifer Milner

October 1, 2001, was not an auspicious time to launch a new enterprise. The world was absorbed in the aftermath of 9/11, an event that had dramatically altered the political landscape, and war looked imminent. Active aging, a still-emerging concept, must have seemed an insignificant issue to most people on that International Day of Older Persons. Yet that was the launch date for the International Council on Active Aging®, an organization with the lofty vision of Changing the way we age.®


ICAA initiatives

Nuts and bolts from the Active Aging Conference-504

Nuts and bolts from the Active Aging Conference

Presenters at the ICAA Active Aging Conference make a point of detailing the nuts and bolts that build programs. As the rapidly growing knowledge of research is exported into programs, and the experience of wellness leaders is shared among others in the field, the aging adult is the beneficiary.


ICAA initiatives

Practical ideas from Active Aging 2005-436

Practical ideas from Active Aging 2005

At the ICAA Active Aging 2005 conference, sessions covered topics from marketing and wellness center development to exercise and activity options. Following are brief reports from a few of the sessions, gathered from the presenter’s handouts and attendee notes.


ICAA initiatives

Moving active aging past the tipping point-402

Moving active aging past the tipping point

With the mutual goal of building a strong foundation to support active aging, more than 300 ICAA colleagues spent 3 days at the 2005 Active Aging Conference, held in December at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Surrounded by those who shared a mission to benefit older adults within the 6 dimensions of wellness, conference participants:

• talked with peers and presenters, sharing experiences and asking questions;
• absorbed technical education on subjects ranging from positioning marketing materials and creating age-friendly messages, to developing wellness and wellness centers, and understanding exercises for overall health or chronic disease; and
• discovered and experienced many products and services available to wellness and recreation centers.


ICAA initiatives

Industry innovators-111

Industry innovators

According to Charles 'Chic' Thompson, author of the creativity book What a Great Idea!, two things determine the success or failure of an idea: the quality of the idea and the quality of its promotion. Some innovations fizzle; others change the world. Within the health and wellness industry, think of the impact created by computerized aerobic equipment, sprung wood floors and low-impact strength training equipment. These and other creations moved the entire industry forward, paving the way for other advances.


ICAA initiatives

A blueprint for change-99

A blueprint for change

In his introduction to the Power of Prevention, a program and policy perspective on the federal government's Steps to a Healthier US program, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson writes, 'I am convinced that preventing disease by promoting better health is the only smart policy choice for our future.' Further into his introduction, Thompson explains his conviction. 'As this document demonstrates, we can no longer sustain the skyrocketing health care costs that over-reliance on treatment has created,' he states, 'nor can Americans sustain the suffering that preventable diseases cause.' Steps to a Healthier US- envisions a healthy, strong United States- where diseases are prevented when possible, controlled when necessary, and treated when appropriate.'


ICAA initiatives

Total items: 138

icaa 100 members