What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Tech Talk: WHO prioritizes home-based wellness-8469

Tech Talk: WHO prioritizes home-based wellness

The World Health Organization will be launching a new initiative, Digital and Assistive Technologies for Ageing (DATA), to encourage "the development, synthesis, and use of solutions that promote access to affordable, quality, digital and assistive technologies for people with impairment or decline in physical or mental capacity, with a particular focus on older people."



High-dose vitamin D does not curb falls risk-8467

High-dose vitamin D does not curb falls risk

Studies linking vitamin D supplementation to falls prevention in older adults have yielded inconsistent results, possibly because of dosage differences, according to researchers from Johns Hopkins University. Their findings are a heads up to organizations that may be advocating such supplementation for their constituents.


Falls management

Shopping online during COVID: Education needed-8465

Shopping online during COVID: Education needed

Although this article is angled to holiday shopping, it certainly is relevant for all online shopping, for all age groups, year-round. The study, conducted in October, 2020, included more than 1,000 landline and cell phone interviews with US adults who use the internet at least occasionally to shop. The report is full of details regarding the percentage of adults who make different types of online purchases, what they buy and where. It also includes a quiz (with answers) that could be used as a starting point for an educational session. Only 15% of respondents were able to answer seven or more questions correctly.



Financial symptoms may predict dementia-8463

Financial symptoms may predict dementia

Medicare beneficiaries who go on to be diagnosed with dementia are more likely to miss payments on bills as early as six years before a clinical diagnosis, according to research from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Organizations should be alert to symptoms such as missing payments on routine bills, especially since such bills could include monthly fees and costs for services.


Public policy

Help for leaders facing tough decisions: HBR-8459

Help for leaders facing tough decisions: HBR

The Harvard Business Review recently published a complementary article that provides a framework for leaders facing tough decisions. There's no question that the article can be helpful today and as organizations continue to navigate the pandemic and look to the future.



Stats: Only 18.5% of US adults 70+ own hearing aids-8457

Stats: Only 18.5% of US adults 70+ own hearing aids

Why do we continue to cover hearing aids? Because hearing loss is common among older adults, as is resistance to using hearing aids. Hearing loss to a large extent is correctable, yet ageist stereotypes and expense stand in the way of widespread hearing aid use. This trends report showed a 23.2% increase in the ownership and use of hearing aids among US adults ages 70+ from 2011-2018, rising from 15% in 2011 to 18.5% in 2018. Yet, according to the US National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, about half of adults ages 75 and over have disabling hearing loss.



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