What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Topic- Physical wellness


Yoga may relieve insomnia for menopausal women-4371

Yoga may relieve insomnia for menopausal women

As the background in a study reports, many women experience insomnia during menopause. They also feel the rush of body heat known as hot flashes and night sweats. To investigate if nonpharmaceutical approaches could relieve symptoms, 249 healthy, previously sedentary women were assigned to participate in yoga, a moderate aerobic exercise program, or usual activity.


Physical wellness

Square-stepping exercise improves cognition as well as balance-4332

Square-stepping exercise improves cognition as well as balance

Square-stepping exercise takes place on a grid of 10-inch squares outlined on the floor, four squares wide and 10 squares long. Participants step in and out of the squares in patterns that increase in complexity. Background to a new report states that square stepping has been shown to improve balance. Would it have a positive effect on cognition?


Physical wellness

Does it or doesn't it? Case for exercise reducing depression still out-4324

Does it or doesn't it? Case for exercise reducing depression still out

A meta-analysis included 39 randomly controlled trials that compared exercise for depression to other types of treatment or to no treatment. In a meta-analysis, the data from individual trials is “pooled” to construct a new set of numbers with the intention of making the data more reliable.


Physical wellness

Tai Chi improves fitness among low-income older adults-4320

Tai Chi improves fitness among low-income older adults

A group of 78 people who were 55 years and older, ethnically diverse, from low-income households and with no previous experience with Tai Chi participated in a Tai Chi program that met seven times/week over 16 weeks.


Physical wellness

Simply engaging in leisure-time physical activity reduces mortality risk-4312

Simply engaging in leisure-time physical activity reduces mortality risk

Leisure-time physical activity is an umbrella term for activities that are not part of a job or household duties, such as hobbies, sports, recreation and exercise. Late last year, a study found that people, most of whom were 40 and older, who engaged in moderate to vigorous leisure-time physical activity had life expectancy gains of as much as 4.5 years (PLoS Medicine).


Physical wellness

Dance away depression and disability-4290

Dance away depression and disability

At an apartment complex for residents with low incomes, 40 people at an average age of 63 years, almost all women, participated in a dance intervention twice a week.


Physical wellness

Total items: 352

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