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ICAA Mature Market Network

Communication guidelines

A valuable resource for marketing and sales specialists.

The International Council on Active Aging’s communication guidelines are a tool that can be used by media and health promotion professionals to promote a more realistic and complete picture of what it means to become and be old in North America.

ICAA Communication GuidelinesTable of content:

Part I: Guidelines for accurately representing older adults

Basic strategies for language and imagery
Guiding principles
Key points
Words and phrases
Age cohorts
Image recommendations
Language and imagery evolve with society
Resources used when preparing the guidelines

Copyright 2011-2013 © International Council on Active Aging

When using and/or referring to these guidelines in print or on the web, please use the following citation:

ICAA’s Guidelines for effective communication with older adults. Published by the International Council on Active Aging. Available at: www.icaa.cc/marketing-network/guidelines.htm

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