What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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How to plan, design and deliver an optimal center for physical wellness by Jennifer Jacobs, MS

The Boomers are coming! “Every eight minutes, someone turns 50.” “By 2020, the number of people in their 40s, 50s and 60s will triple.” “Older adults hold 53% of the nation’s wealth.”1 Over the last few years, the media has been drilling these and similar messages into our heads, but have we been listening? The fact remains that this market is heading toward us like a freight train, and we need to be prepared to maximize the opportunities it presents.

Planning, designing and delivering a wellness center that meets the needs of this growing population involves more than understanding the statistics. The first step is to define what wellness means to you.

According to the National Institute on Wellness, there are six dimensions of wellness. These include:

• physical
• spiritual
• vocational
• intellectual
• social
• emotional

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