What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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Dynamic spaces that foster social well-being by Cornelia C. Hodgson, AIA

In the past decade, there has been a sea change in the approach senior living communities take towards wellness, a philosophy that promotes enrichment of life. Providers are increasingly moving from a medical model to a resident-centered focus—shifting the emphasis in their communities from illness to wellness and from disability to ability. Because of this profound shift in thinking, wellness centers are now vital to such settings. These centers have become a key element in a project’s financial success, and are often used to revitalize an aging community or attract prospective residents to a new development.

A successful wellness center begins with identifying and communicating “written wellness objectives for the community.”1 The written objectives guide the development of operational programs of wellness, as well as design directives for a building that supports the various wellness dimensions.

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