Is transcendent design the future of senior living? by Colin Milner
Is music icon Jimmy Buffett set to disrupt the slow-moving USD$372-billion senior living industry? That was the question I asked myself when I heard earlier this year that Minto Communities and Margaritaville Holdings were developing a $1-billion active-adult community in Daytona Beach, Florida. Latitude Margaritaville, Buffett's community for the "55 and better" customer, will eventually provide up to 6,900 homes for "Parrot Heads" (the name the singer's fans call themselves). .. What impact will this new senior living brand have on the industry? It's too early to tell, of course. Yet we can rest assured that these communities--which promise a "no worries tropical vibe"--will be developed around the centerpiece of having "fun" and creating memorable experiences. Buffett and partners are realizing their communities around a "transcendent design" model. Are you familiar with this approach? I was not until Joseph F. Coughlin, PhD, professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and director of MIT AgeLab, enlightened me a few months ago. I invited this visionary expert to help us all better understand transcendent design.