The Thrive Institute encourages older adults to flourish
Notre Dame du Lac has served as "a place of renewal, refreshment and healthy living" for many years. Built shortly after 1900 in Worcester, Massachusetts, the building was first a convent for the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, who informally referred to the site as "God's Acre." Efforts to preserve du Lac's character earned praise when the building was extensively renovated before opening as an assisted-living center in 2000. "The building and programs have adapted to each era, but always with a mission towards the health of elders,"says the website of Notre Dame Health Care (NDHC), the nonprofit organization that today carries on the holy sisters' mission. Deeply committed to person-centered care for the whole person, NDHC promotes social, physical, intellectual, emotional, environmental and spiritual well-being. The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur's core mission also includes a commitment to "educate for life." Launched in fall 2014, The Thrive Institute embodies NDHC's holistic-health and education commitments with its "Thrivin" series of programs for older adults.