Ageless communities: One approach to transforming senior living by Marilynn Larkin, MA
Cross-generational programming is fast becoming an important way to connect older adults in senior living with the broader community, thereby enhancing wellness for all participants and helping to overcome ageist stereotypes. ... Yet, whether older adults are brought into the larger community to participate in such programs, or young people visit senior living communities for an event, for the most part, older participants return to age-restricted residences at the end of the day. As Paul Irving, chairman of Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging, Santa Monica, California, has cautioned, the current model must change in order to attract new customers. The question that many forward-thinking providers and developers grapple with is how best to transform their models to embrace change. For some seniors centers wrestling with a similar challenge, one approach has been to remove age restrictions, creating an environment that breaks down barriers and welcomes everyone.