'Game-changing technologies for reaching and engaging the 55+ audience by Jeff Weiss
Needless to say, technology has been shaping the lives of the active-aging community at a quickening pace, far beyond anything we could have envisioned even five years ago. Its reach clearly extends beyond the capacity to deliver better care or to enhance connectivity with family and friends (although it is doing both of these in ever-expanding ways). More approachable technology is taking "Active Agers" places they haven't been before, improving how they can engage with the outside world and seamlessly enhancing their daily routines. Factoring the role of technology into how to connect with Active Agers applies as much to those working within senior living or aging services as it does to those selling insurance, automobiles, travel, or a host of other products and services. In this article, we'll take a quick look at four technologies that have the potential to reshape how you deliver products, services and messages to the 55+ market.