Practices to optimize skin health by Amy Henderson, RN, BSN
The changes in physical appearance are subtle at first: a softer jawline, a fuller neck and a few persistent smile lines around the eyes. A sideways glance in the mirror reveals a silhouette that resembles someone older--perhaps your mother, your father. You realize, however, that indeed it is you. And your appearance has changed with the passage of time. Our clients likely have experienced many such moments over the years. With age, several intrinsic and extrinsic factors--including decreased hormone levels, genetic history, lifestyle choices and environmental surroundings--contribute to changes in the skin's quality. ... In a society that still attaches a stigma to aging and a double standard that affects women in particular, physical changes to the skin can have a significant impact on a person's overall self-image and feelings of self-worth. These physical changes also increase the risk for skin conditions. ... Skin care [and lifestyle] practices...not only promote healthier skin, but also support wellness and graceful aging.