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Adding a wellness 'chief' to your C-Suite

If we have learned anything from recent pandemic events, it is the value and power of preparedness and prevention. Wellness practices play a huge role in prevention and thus in preparation to better battle healthcare issues that arise. Consider how a healthier older population would not only thrive in regular circumstances, but with better immune systems, manage illness during the more frequent pandemics of our "interconnected viral age." With that said, if you have not already done so, is now the time to create a chief wellness officer (CWO) position in your organization? I assume you have chief executive, financial, operating and technology officers. Why would you not have a CWO? Especially, when a wellness focus creates positive outcomes. If you already created a CWO position, read on to assess if additional insights can enhance this function and the wellness outcomes in your organization. If you are noodling the idea of a CWO, this article will create a framework for your success. Either way, you will want to consider these points in your process.

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