Wellness industry remains resilient during pandemic restrictions by Patricia Ryan, MS
No one has remained untouched by the lifestyle changes that rapidly emerged once the news of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) filled the airwaves. The awareness that this new virus was highly contagious and could lead to serious illness and death was immediately grasped by the professionals working with older adults. Actions to control the spread of the virus meant social distancing (keeping six feet of physical space between individuals), self-isolation once a "stay at home" emergency was declared, face masks and lots of handwashing. Yet, COVID-19 has not stopped the dedicated professionals of the wellness workforce. Armed with creativity and can-do attitudes, nearly 300 International Council on Active Aging® (ICAA) members shared in early April 2020 how the pandemic had impacted their work and workplaces, and what they were doing to deliver needed services. Their comments showcase the efforts the workforce has expended to foster quality of life among residents, members and staff alike during pandemic restrictions.