Aging in the time of COVID-19, part one: An ICAA interview with Age Wave’s Ken Dychtwald by Colin Milner
My journey into what would become the active-aging field began when I was in my 30s. After more than a decade in the fitness industry, I joined a well-known manufacturer of fitness equipment whose clients included senior living communities. Trips to these communities included conversations with staff who embraced the emerging evidence for the benefits of exercise for older adults, including the frailest elders. These professionals were often the sole believers within their organizations. ... Active aging has grown into a movement on the shoulders of individuals who have made a difference by challenging the status quo, conducting or disseminating research about aging, and envisioning new possibilities in cultural and demographic shifts. Among its seminal figures is psychologist, gerontologist, Age Wave CEO and best-selling author of 17 books, Ken Dychtwald, PhD.... In June 2020, as COVID-19 continued to upend daily life, Dr. Dychtwald and I discussed aging in this unique and unsettling time. Let’s dive in to part one of what turned into a wide-ranging interview about life, aging, generational identity and legacy.