What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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The Journal on Active Aging brings articles of value to professionals dedicated to older-adult quality of life. Content sweeps across the active-aging landscape to focus on education and practice. Find articles of interest by searching the article archives in three ways: Enter a keyword in the articles search bar; click on search by topic; or type a keyword or phrase in the general search bar at the top of the page.

Podcasting: An effective way to tell your story and share industry-related information by Marilynn Larkin, MA-7332

Podcasting: An effective way to tell your story and share industry-related information by Marilynn Larkin, MA

Podcasting, a medium that has been around for more than 20 years, is enjoying a renaissance. ...In its coverage of the Hot Pod Summit, a gathering of key podcast industry decision-makers, Fast Company stated we are in the "golden age" of podcasting. In a recent report, "The Podcast Consumer 2018," Edison Research documented that among monthly podcast listeners, 34% are ages 18-34; 36%, 35-54; and 19%, 55 and older. These data suggest that podcasts have the potential to reach both industry staff and consumers. Further, in its summary, Edison Research notes, "There is tremendous opportunity to grow with persons 55+." Recognizing the potential, three industry organizations recently launched podcasts. The Journal on Active Aging interviewed the professionals involved to learn why and how they started their podcasts, and what the feedback has been so far.



The tech connection: Alleviating loneliness as we age by Stephanie Ludwig, MDiv, MA, PhD-7329

The tech connection: Alleviating loneliness as we age by Stephanie Ludwig, MDiv, MA, PhD

"Loneliness breaks the spirit," goes the old Jewish proverb. We are wired to be connected, and miserable when we are not. Although the sense of disengagement from others that characterizes loneliness is painful at any time in life, such disconnection can feel acutely unbearable as we age. ...To keep older adults connected to family and social networks, technologies on the market and in development can help reduce any associated loneliness. This includes both high-tech and low-tech solutions.



Taming the tech tidal wave by Tony Galvan, MS-7327

Taming the tech tidal wave by Tony Galvan, MS

The intersection of technology and senior living is here today and as time passes, communities, along with the organizations that mange them, are needing to come up with practical, multifaceted strategies to approach this "tidal wave of tech." Whereas some tech-based solutions have been in existence for years--if not also decades--many technologies are still much in their infancy. This makes this space both exciting and overwhelming as senior living providers must strike a balance between meeting the needs of current and future residents while also creating an advantage in competitive marketplaces.



Autonomous vehicles: Driving independence, mobility and wellness in active-aging communities by Marilynn Larkin, MA-7325

Autonomous vehicles: Driving independence, mobility and wellness in active-aging communities by Marilynn Larkin, MA

Autonomous (self-driving) vehicles represent a growing trend that now is emerging in the active-aging market--with a difference. Unlike high-profile self-driving cars that operate on main thoroughfares, the autonomous vehicles being tested in senior living communities stay within the boundaries of the community, operating on preplanned routes. Such was the case for Lendlease-owned Elliot Gardens, a retirement community located in Port Elliot, South Australia, that recently served as a testing ground for a two-month study with Aurrigo Pty Ltd. ....


Industry development

Making exercise part of healthcare by Jenifer Milner WITH: ICAA issue brief--ACSM's Exercise is Medicine(R): Bridging healthcare and physical activity for older adults--Prepared by experts from the Ol-7267

Making exercise part of healthcare by Jenifer Milner WITH: ICAA issue brief--ACSM's Exercise is Medicine(R): Bridging healthcare and physical activity for older adults--Prepared by experts from the Ol

Since 2001, the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) has worked with members, partners and allies to encourage adults over 50 to adopt a healthier, more active lifestyle and to live as fully as possible in all of life's dimensions. Recently, members of the American College of Sports Medicine and the ICAA Advisory Board worked on an issue brief that connects Journal on Active Aging readers with ACSM's Exercise is Medicine(R) initiative. Exercise is Medicine(R) aims to make physical activity a standard in healthcare. By linking healthcare providers with physical activity resources and professionals, such as exercise physiologists, physical therapists and fitness specialists, the initiative promotes networks and environments that support physical activity.


Health promotion

Portraying wellness: An invitation to participate in a virtual exhibit by Lisa Kiely, BFA, CPT, CAD, CEHA-7265

Portraying wellness: An invitation to participate in a virtual exhibit by Lisa Kiely, BFA, CPT, CAD, CEHA

There's an African saying, "If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." In Atlanta, Georgia, active living fans are excited about a new project connecting people of all ages and stages of life. Now, in time for Active Aging Week 2019, we invite International Council on Active Aging members and others hosting this campaign to join us in a virtual portrait project. ... Our new nationwide project, "Wellness In One Word," challenges everyone to define wellness in the moment by connecting it to self-portrait photography. We are inviting people to take portraits and "selfies" while answering the question, "What's on your mind right now--in one word?" and to submit their photos for virtual display. Trying to capture individual ideas about wellness in one word and one picture is a fun way to bring us together and see what gives us well-being.


Emotional wellness

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