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ICAA Wellness Audit

Frequently asked questions

How can an audit apply to wellness?
Wellness services and programs may be delivered through separate functions and departments, yet they all work together to enhance quality of life for residents, non-resident members and customers. An audit is the objective process to identify the status of wellness across the organization.

Who conducts the ICAA Wellness Audit?
An audit is a high-level initiative with results impacting the whole organization. An auditor at each community is responsible, joined by audit team members from the business office, culinary, engagement, health care, human resources and fitness.

Can the corporate manager enter a description of the company wellness program?
No. The wellness audit is an assessment of the status of wellness at each property in the company portfolio. This provides an accurate assessment of how effectively each property is delivering the corporate program.

Our community auditor left. How can the audit be accessed?
Contact ICAA with the name of the new auditor. ICAA can guide updating the auditor so there is continuity for reporting. Call 866-335-9777 (toll-free) or 604-734-4466 or email info@icaa.cc

How often is an audit conducted?
Conduct an audit about every two to three years. This allows time to track the results of changes made after the initial audit.

How much does the ICAA Wellness Audit cost?
There is no fee for current ICAA Organizational and ICAA 100 members. If membership lapses, access to the audit is available once the membership is renewed.

Is wellness defined in the audit?
Each auditor will define wellness as it is defined at the community. The audit is based on the ICAA definition of wellness that means wellness is a strategy guiding every department, staff member and executive.

Is there a print version of the audit?
The ICAA Wellness Audit is an online, web-based membership benefit. Each organization’s input and reports are password-protected and accessible only to those who enroll.

What level of support is available?
Most questions can be answered in the ICAA Wellness Audit User Guide. For help with the online registration, membership status or functioning on the audit website, call 866-335-9777 (toll-free) or 604-734-4466 or email info@icaa.cc

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