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ICAA Wellness Audit

How to enroll

Enrollment information

An audit is a point-in-time assessment that sets the baseline for action. The ICAA Wellness Audit does not have standards that must be met. Each organization sets the standard that the people, places and programs will strive to meet.

There are two types of accounts: Corporate accounts for multilocation operators and Community accounts for stand-alone properties. Reports are generated by type of community (e.g., life plan/CCRC or independent living or assisted living or active adult, among other choices).

Corporate accounts for multilocation operators
The company’s corporate manager enrolls in the audit system. An email from ICAA confirms the account and gives the manager log-in information to share with the auditor at each property. The auditor creates the community account, selecting the correct “type of community” and completes the form with the aid of a designated audit team.

Reports: Once auditors have completed the online audit forms for their community locations, the corporate manager can generate six types of reports for each of the questions on the audit for properties within the same type of community (e.g., life plan/CCRC or independent living or assisted living or active adult, among other choices).

  1. Location to location. Compare audit of one property to audit of another property within the same type of community.
  2. Location to corporate group. Compare one property to all others in the corporate group by type of community.
  3. Corporate summary of all communities in the group by type of community.

Once there are 100 communities with completed audits in the system, additional reports will be available.

  1. Location to industry. Compare one property to others in the industry by type of community.
  2. Corporate group to industry. Compare total audits of the corporate group to the audits of other communities with the same type of community.
  3. Industry summary by type of community. Include corporate group with all others within the same type of community.

Community accounts for individual locations
The community auditor may work in a stand-alone community, or work at a property under a corporate umbrella. At a stand-alone community, the auditor enrolls in a company account, receives a confirmation email from ICAA with log-in information. The auditor describes the community to complete enrollment, accurately selecting the type of community (e.g., life plan/CCRC or independent living or assisted living or active adult, among other choices).

Reports:The local auditor can generate two types of reports.

  1. Location description. Print the information in the online audit.
  2. Location to industry. Once 100 community audits are in the system, auditors can compare the location to others in the same type of community (e.g., life plan/CCRC or independent living or assisted living or active adult) for each of the questions on the audit.

How to enroll in the audit

A unique email address is important. The audit system uses this email to separate each location from others.

Type of community is important. Choose the whole community, not a department, because reports generate comparisons by type of community.

  • Step 1: Learn
    1. Log in to the ICAA member website.
    2. On the member zone home page, scroll to the Wellness Audit icon.
    3. Review the ICAA Wellness Audit Toolkit for the worksheet to plan the audit and the User Guide, which guides auditor through the online form, question by question.
  • Step 2: Register
    1. Register a community with the email of the primary contact.
    2. Indicated if this is a corporate account or a community account.
    3. Look for an email from ICAA. Check the spam folder if this does not arrive within two business days. Email has a one-time link and a unique identifying number.
    4. Follow the one-time link, confirm the ID, and complete registration by entering the community name, email of the auditor and demographics.
    5. After describing the community being audited, click on Next Section to continue.
    6. Keep the community identifying number and auditor email on file. You can delete the email and line
  • Step 3: Audit
    1. Log in to the ICAA member site.
    2. On the member zone home page, scroll to the Wellness Audit icon.
    3. The audit account page will appear with the identifying number.
    4. Enter the auditor email.
    5. The ICAA Wellness Audit dashboard displays.

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