What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Industry news

[DON'T GO IT ALONE] Alzheimer's shared decision-making tool launched

"As part of a national initiative funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation (JAHF), the national, independent nonprofit FAIR Health has launched a new shared decision-making tool for Alzheimer’s disease. Provided at no cost to users, the tool is accompanied by an educational healthcare cost tool and resources such as printable checklists and links to websites and organizations that offer additional information and resources. "

[LOG ON] Digital program cuts fall risk, boosts strength in older adults

"Researchers at University of California San Diego have reported promising results from a study evaluating the university’s “Strong Foundations” program, a digitally delivered fall-prevention initiative for older adults. The findings emphasize the program’s effectiveness in improving posture, balance and strength — key factors in reducing fall risk."

[LET ME IN] Entrance fee CCRCs show higher occupancy than rentals

"NIC recently published a blog post on continuing care retirement community (CCRC) performance in the 4th quarter of 2024, comparing entrance fee vs rental CCRCs. The findings are the result of a recent analysis of 571 entrance fee and 488 rental CCRCs in the 99 NIC MAP primary and secondary markets. "

[LIGHT ON] Blue light therapy boosts sleep quality, daily activity

"Blue-enriched light can improve sleep quality and daily activity in older adults living at home, according to a study from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom. Researchers found that this type of light therapy led to greater daytime activity, earlier bedtimes, regular sleep patterns and improved sleep quality, offering a promising, non-pharmacological approach to address age-related sleep challenges."

[UNREAL!] Movies, TV show stereotypes of aging, not reality

"Adults ages 50 and over have significant buying power, so the entertainment industry should listen up when the older population is unhappy with how they’re being represented in movies and TV. That’s the message of a recent AARP survey, “Breaking Stereotypes: The Push for Real Representation of older adults in Movies and Television.” "

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